Thursday, December 13, 2012

Restaurant worthy...

Two months ago Jack had his 9-month well-baby check up. He's standing tall at 2 feet and 2 inches, and 16 pounds, 13 ounces. Little Man is starting to become more attached to Mama and Daddy. He doesn't get handed off to strangers (er, people he hasn't seen often enough) as easily anymore. I often tell myself that Jack will never grow up to be a "mama's boy." In many ways it's not very charming. But for now, I'll take it. I miss him so much during the days at work, and having him hold on tight to my arm or shoulder is one of the best feelings ever. He feels safe and protected and loved in my arms, and I never want that to change. He is the single greatest "bye-bye-er" on the face of the planet. His arm stretched, his little hand giving a subtle wave, he whispers, "Bah, buh. Bah, buh." He does this on command. It's so awesome and incredibly adorable.

So after his check up Josh and I took him to my favorite eating spot, Panera. I set Jack up in one of the high chairs and started to feet him some green beans while we were waiting for our food. Josh was up waiting by the counter and two older gentlemen were sitting at the table next to us. They gave him a cautious smile, probably knowing that most babies who end up sitting next to them during their meal are likely to cause a ruckus. Nope. Jack sat there and politely ate his vegetables. Something I haven't mentioned - Jack is probably the cleanest eater ever. He never spits out his food. And opens real wide for each bite.

As Jack was finishing his meal cleanly and quietly, the men took notice. One said, "You're a good fella eating your vegetables like that for your mother." Jack turned and gave his usual charming smile. The other gentleman gasped, "My, my! You have the skies in your eyes little guy!" Jack smiled again. They then asked how old he was, how was it he was so well-behaved, etc. I was a proud Mama. Jack's going to know the time and the place for things. I think he already does. As the two were leaving, one said, "Enjoy this time. I know you already are." I replied with a nod and smile. The other said as they walked toward the door, "He is restaurant worthy. Congratulations." Knowing the two are probably usually pretty grumpy, I took this as a big compliment.

And I agree.


Thursday, November 29, 2012

Jack be quick.

Houston, we have a crawler.

And boy, oh, boy, is he fast! He's been trying to get the hang of it for a few weeks now. Started off with the short jumps, gauging the distance carefully, rocking back and forth. He mastered going in reverse for a while. Last Monday, November 19th - he realized the correct combination of knee/hand alternation and by today, (day 10) he's a little man with a lot of KA-CHOW! Congratulations, JP, you're going places. And oh, the places you'll go!


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Fall is my favorite. So is Jack.

Jack Primo is 9 months old. How did this happen? So soon! He's babbling. He gives me the morning news in the sweetest voice. "Baba, Mome, Bah, Do!" are amongst his favorite sounds. He is in love with music - he bounces and moves to the beat - I think without even realizing what he's doing. Baloo's Bare Necessities is his favorite to groove to. I like to give myself a little bit of credit for this love of dance dance dancing - I wasn't afraid to get my groove on at 8 1/2 months pregnant. He LOVES anything he can throw. Baseballs, plastic balls, tennis balls, blocks, pacifiers. He thinks it is hilarious, especially when there is an abundance of toys all over the living room, and none left on his blanket (to him, successful play time). He's not crawling yet. This has me a little concerned, because I am a new mom and don't have the confidence of seasoned moms. I know he's getting close. He scoots his bottom, leans over to land on his hands and rocks back and forth. He's almost there. I guess I should relish this time while I still have it - where I can leave the room without reenacting a scene from "Jack Jack Attack."

At his 9-month appointment, his doc also said he needs to gain a bit more weight. Eat more she says! And eat more he shall. There has not been a single jar of baby food he hasn't loved. It's hard to keep track of when and what he eats - Josh and I tag team most days, and while we both are at work, he goes with Josh's mom for the day. Because I am that new mom, I made up a little eating chart for the Sugar Bug. He's to eat around 32 ounces of formula (Enfamil saved me when he was three months old and not getting enough breastmilk from his working mama), and eat the yummy mush (I'm totally feelin' Earth's Best - it's organic, delicious (I try all of his food), and often on sale at Babies R Us) at least three times per day. Bring it on. Hopefully we'll all be able to fill it out easily and I can bring it to Dr. Primero with that confidence. See! He's just not one of those chub-a-lub babies. Which does wonders for my back.

Pixar is Jack's genre of choice. He's cracked up at Skinner, the short and short-tempered chef on Ratatouille. He talks to Dory, the natural blue on Finding Nemo. Toy Story 3 will keep him at the edge of his blanket from Evil Dr. Porkchop all the way to the Haunted Bakery if I let him. The castle scene at the beginning of these movies - and all Disney movies - brings on the biggest and sweetest smile I've ever seen. I've cried. Ahem, just a couple of times. Jack inspires me in so many ways. It's hard to grasp these feelings. I guess pure joy is the only way to describe it.

And speaking of flash dancing, Jack will be tricking and treating as Carl Fredricksen for his first Halloween. UP has a special place in my heart for many reasons, so it's only necessary Little Man be the little old man from one of my favorite Pixars.

Heather Jean Photography is the bestest. She is patient, talented, and very awesome. I'll be a loyal customer until Jack's old enough to say, "Enough, mom." Seriously.

Meanwhile, how about this awesome weather? No more AC and the bill that comes with it! And the jolly holidays are just around the corner! Yeehaw.

Happy Harvest. Happy Niner Jack Primo.


Thursday, August 23, 2012


2012 has undoubtedly been the best year ever. My husband introduced me to the love of my life, Jack Primo, earlier this year on January 11th. My sister said "I do" on July 29th to the man she was meant to meet, meant to fall in love with, and meant to marry. My brother and his adorable and oh-so-perfect-for-him fiance give us all "I know something you don't know" grins every time we ask them what their wedding plans are. The year has been one of the most difficult to swallow but so very rewarding. Life introduces crazy situations. I constantly am asking myself, "What just happened?" and think that nothing in my life has ever been so challenging. And then tomorrow comes.

Today I am 30. I share this day with Brandi. She is with me now even though she calls San Diego her home. Today has been the best day. My mom's yearly Happy Birthday song was waiting on my voicemail when I woke up. I came to work and found pictures of my boy with Chevron cars (I love a themed space like nobody's business), flowers, balloons, a delicious treat and gifts from my best friends and family. I even got chocolate and streamers. Streamers!

I pick up Josh tonight from the airport. He's been in Ohio all week getting to know fellow Air Force pilots and passing his AC1 (crazy) tests that the government requires in order to be accepted into the military. Less than a year now...he'll be leaving for Officer Training School and Boot Camp. What just happened? I'm very proud of him.

Jack's got the cold I've been battling all week. Hearing his sweet and innocent voice all course broke my heart this morning. He woke himself up coughing and as he whimpered to me I told him he'll be better by Sunday. He smiled. His old soul already knows this. I am in love. I am blessed.

A Merry Merry Birthday, to us.