Thursday, December 13, 2012

Restaurant worthy...

Two months ago Jack had his 9-month well-baby check up. He's standing tall at 2 feet and 2 inches, and 16 pounds, 13 ounces. Little Man is starting to become more attached to Mama and Daddy. He doesn't get handed off to strangers (er, people he hasn't seen often enough) as easily anymore. I often tell myself that Jack will never grow up to be a "mama's boy." In many ways it's not very charming. But for now, I'll take it. I miss him so much during the days at work, and having him hold on tight to my arm or shoulder is one of the best feelings ever. He feels safe and protected and loved in my arms, and I never want that to change. He is the single greatest "bye-bye-er" on the face of the planet. His arm stretched, his little hand giving a subtle wave, he whispers, "Bah, buh. Bah, buh." He does this on command. It's so awesome and incredibly adorable.

So after his check up Josh and I took him to my favorite eating spot, Panera. I set Jack up in one of the high chairs and started to feet him some green beans while we were waiting for our food. Josh was up waiting by the counter and two older gentlemen were sitting at the table next to us. They gave him a cautious smile, probably knowing that most babies who end up sitting next to them during their meal are likely to cause a ruckus. Nope. Jack sat there and politely ate his vegetables. Something I haven't mentioned - Jack is probably the cleanest eater ever. He never spits out his food. And opens real wide for each bite.

As Jack was finishing his meal cleanly and quietly, the men took notice. One said, "You're a good fella eating your vegetables like that for your mother." Jack turned and gave his usual charming smile. The other gentleman gasped, "My, my! You have the skies in your eyes little guy!" Jack smiled again. They then asked how old he was, how was it he was so well-behaved, etc. I was a proud Mama. Jack's going to know the time and the place for things. I think he already does. As the two were leaving, one said, "Enjoy this time. I know you already are." I replied with a nod and smile. The other said as they walked toward the door, "He is restaurant worthy. Congratulations." Knowing the two are probably usually pretty grumpy, I took this as a big compliment.

And I agree.
